The name and logo of Cardoen, as well as the names of the other companies that are part of Datos nv and appear on this site, are names and trademarks protected by national and international legislation. The user rights, reproduction rights and intellectual rights relating to this site are the exclusive property of Datos nv.

Datos nv pays great attention to the accuracy and completeness of the information made available to visitors on its website. However, it cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracy or damage resulting from accessing, consulting or using the information on the website, as well as its non-accessibility.

The goods on this website provide an overview of the product range. The listing of a product on this website does not constitute an offer. The customer's desire to acquire a product is not sufficient to create a contract. The customer can only place an order on this site if he confirms that he has read and approved Cardoen's general terms and conditions of internet sales.

Images and product descriptions are not binding. The information derived from them should always be checked.

The prices indicated are valid on the day of consultation of the website, subject to errors, for which Datos nv cannot be held responsible.