Cardoen guarantees the LOWEST PRICE on every car in stock (0km). Every week we compare our prices with identical cars from various car dealers. Did you manage to find the same car at a lower price? Cardoen will pay you the difference!


  • We only compare with an identical vehicle = same type of engine , equipment & version.  
  • Can you hand us proof ( = a printed-  or online publication) of an official dealer with a lower price? We’ll adjust our price immediately and offer you a bonus of €150.
  • Printed or handwritten documents are not taken into account.
  • Did you purchase a car? We’ll refund you the difference before the delivery.

Cardoen guarantees you the lowest price on every new car in stock. How does that work exactly? And what if you find the same car at a lower price elsewhere? Find out below.

We make a comparison once a week

Every week we compare our cars with identical cars in other authorised car dealerships. Are they cheaper? If so, we will immediately revise our price.

Found the same car cheaper somewhere else?

Have you found the same car at a lower price somewhere else? We will refund the difference and give you an extra discount. Find out how it all works below.

  • It must be the exact same car: the same engine, options and model.
  • Provide us with proof (= a flyer, leaflet or internet advertisement) from an official brand dealer. A handwritten document will not be accepted as proof.
  • We will immediately revise our price and give you an extra €150 discount.
  • Have you already bought your new car from us? We will refund the difference and give you an extra €150 discount, even before the delivery of your car.
Question Type: 
Cardoen autosupermarkt