At Cardoen, we want to make car buying easy, even if you can't come to our showrooms. So you don't even have to leave your room to buy the car of your dreams. How do we do that at Cardoen?

1. Have you seen a car online that you like?

  1. Are you sure about your choice? Reserve the car online using the "take an option" button. We will then contact you by phone.
  2. Still have questions about the car? Contact a sales representative on 0800 17 023.

2. Would you like to take a closer look at the car?

With a video call via WhatsApp or Facetime, the seller gives you a look inside the car. This way, it's as if the car is in your living room. If you wish, you can also come and see the car in one of our 16 branches.

3. Are you ready to buy the car?

We provide you with a sales agreement through the mail and handle the sale digitally.

4. Did you pay?

For a fee of 249€ deliver the car to your home within 10 days.